25 Anni - 2020 - Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG

25 Anni - 2020 - Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG

465,00 RON
cod produs: 5593
  • Alcool: 15.5%
  • Potențial de învechire: 15 - 20 ani
  • Strugure: Sagrantino
  • Recomandări gastronomice: barbeque, vită, brânzeturi, vânat, trufe
  • Decantare: 1 h
  • Temperatură servire: 15 - 18°C


Roșu rubiniu intens cu reflexii brun roșcate.


Catifelat, persuasiv, fără sfârșit. Prospețime îmbietoare, taninuri elegante și complexe.


Complexitate uluitoare, variind de la dulceață de mure la trandafir, de la nucșoară la piper, de la rășină de pin la mentă, cuișoare și cacao.


Maturat timp de 24 de luni în "barriques" și minimum 8 luni în sticlă.

"Caprai's top wine, the Sagrantino di Montefalco 25 Anni, was first released in 1993 to commemorate the estate's 25th anniversary. It has since gone on to become one of Italy's most recognized wines. The 25 Anni starts as a vineyard selection of the finest fruit at harvest, followed by a second selection in the cellar. Essentially the 25 Anni represents the finest barrels of Sagrantino the estate has produced in a given year. The wine undergoes malolactic fermentation in French oak and sees approximately 50-60% new barrels, depending on the vintage.

"This is another strong set of releases from Marco Caprai, the producer most responsible for calling attention to the potential of Sagrantino in these hillside vineyards. The estate itself is sprawling, and covers 150 hectares of vineyards planted to various densities and trellising systems that clearly show the enormous expense Caprai has undertaken to fully understand the unique qualities of Sagrantino. At the heart of the property is a large, well-appointed visitors center and tasting facility that looks more like something out of Napa Valley rather than rural Italy. My tasting at Caprai was remarkable as I had a chance to revisit a number of older vintages, which will be reviewed in a forthcoming article on www.erobertparker.com. Caprai's wines tend towards the modern end of the spectrum, with French oak used for both malolactic fermentation and aging. The wines often appear tough when young, but with a few years in bottle they can develop beautifully. In the finest vintages, Caprai's top wines drink well to age 15 and occasionally beyond." erobertparker.com

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